The Imprint

THOMSN Central Hotel & Appartements


Responsible for content

After §5 para.1 of the Austrian eCommerce-Gesetz (ECG) and §24 Media Act, we hereby announce as operators and media owner of this website:

THOMSN Central Hotel & Appartements
Hotel.Hinterglemm GmbH
Familie Schwabl
Dorfstraße 212
A-5754 Hinterglemm

Tel: +43 6541 / 6388

to the general terms and conditions

Trade and administrative information:

  • UID/VAT#: ATU68793718
  • Company registration number: 414537p
  • Authority according to ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Zell am See
  • Commercial Information System Austria (GISA#): 506-18737165 (hotel industry)
  • Place of jurisdiction: Zell am See
  • KSV1870#: 7272192
  • Registration number: 50618-000212-2020
  • D-U-N-S ® number: 300439835

International bank data:

  • SWIFT/BIC: RVSAAT2S052 (Raiffeisenbank Saalbach-Hinterglemm-Viehhofen)
  • IBAN: AT573505200000095638

Please note

In the interest of better readability on this website and the various social networks we use, we have chosen either the masculine or the feminine form of gender-specific terms. This in no way implies discrimination against the other gender. If we talk about waiters, for example, we of course mean all servers, regardless of gender. All information addresses women and men equally.

Unfortunately, this website is not fully functional for people with physical disabilities such as impaired vision, hearing or motor skills. We apologise for this inconvenience and are happy to provide more information about our hotel and offers using other channels. We would like to direct you to the ARBITRATION BOARD FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISABLED PEOPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA’S MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS (available in German only).


The HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH does not accept any liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Any liability claims against the HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH, which refer to material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the information and/or the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are strictly excluded, unless in cases of evidenced wilful or gross negligence on the part of the HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH. All offers are non-binding and non-obligatory. The HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH reserves the right to modifications, amendments or cancellations of the offer in whole or in part or to the temporary or final discontinuation of this publication without any prior notice.

References and links

In the case of direct and indirect references to other internet sites, so-called links, which are outside the responsibility of the HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH, an obligation to assume liability would take effect exclusively in the case of the HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH having knowledge of the content, and it having been technically feasible and reasonable to have prevented its use in the case of it unlawful illegal content. The HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH herewith expressly declares that at the time of setting the link, no unlawful content was recognisable on the linked sites. The HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH has no influence on the current or future design, contents or authorship of the linked pages. The HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH thus explicitly dissociates itself herewith from all contents of all the linked pages that have been changed after setting the links. This applies to all links and references within the scope of the company's own Internet offer and for entries by third parties in the guest books, discussion forums, mailing lists set up by the company. The provider to the respective publications is not liable for any and all illegal, erroneous, or incomplete content and especially for damages, which might occur due to the usage or non-usage of such information provided, but rather the author of the respective pages is liable for all content and results thereof.

Copyright and trademarks

HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH is committed to respect the copyrights of the graphics, sound files, video sequences and texts in all publications, to use its own graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts or to use graphics, sound files, video sequences that are public domain. All of the brand marks, trademarks and also third party brand marks and trademarks named on the website underlie the regulations of the valid trademark and ownership law for each registered owner. The fact that a trademark has merely been named shall not imply that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third persons! The copyright for any published items produced by the HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH remain solely with the owner of this site. No images, audio recordings, video sequences or texts contained herein may be used, reproduced or redistributed in any manner without the express written permission of the HOTEL.HINTERGLEMM GMBH.


With regard to the technical properties of the internet, no guarantee can be given for the authenticity, correctness and completeness of the information made available on the internet. There is also no guarantee for the availability or operation of this website and its content. Any liability for direct, indirect or other damage, regardless of its cause, arising from the use or unavailability of the data and information on this website is excluded to the extent permitted by law. The content of this website is protected by copyright. The information is for personal use only. Any further use, in particular storage in databases, duplication and any form of commercial use, as well as transfer to third parties, including in part or in revised form, without the consent of the respective organisation is prohibited. Any integration of individual pages of our website in external frames is prohibited.

Online Dispute Resolution

Since 9th January 2016 an EU regulation on online dispute resolution applies in consumer affairs (#  524/2013). Disputes between consumers and merchants in connection of online sales contracts or online service contracts can be settled through the following online platform.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We care about the security of data. We only use them emarked and only pass them on to our partners, if they contribute to the fullfillment of purpose regarding our specific assingment. According to the EU-General-Dataprotection regulation and according to the Data Protection Act of the Republic of Austria starting 25.5.2018 users have the right to obtain free information on request about all stored personal data. In addition each customer or user is allowed to ajust incorrect data, block, or delete ("right to be forgotten") his personal data. The only exception is that we have the legal obligation to preserve business or reporting records.

If we do not comply with our data protection duty in due time, please contact your complaint to:

Austrian Data Protection
Wickenburggasse 8
A-1080 Wien
Phone: +43 1 52 152-0


If any parts or individual formulations of this text should fail to conform to the valid legal situation, or be no longer or not fully in conformity therewith, this shall not affect the content or validity of the remaining parts of the document.

Image and video material

Bildarchiv Hotel Thomsn, websLINE Bildarchiv, Fotolia,, Icons made by Situ Herrera, Freepik, SimpleIcon, Icons8, Scott de Jonge, Picol, OCHA, from is licensed under CC BY 3.0

This imprint and the picture credits apply to all domains, portals and social media networks in the REALM of the THOMSN. Among other things, this applies to FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, PINTEREST etc.

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